Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. Everything is gonna be okay. The truth is, it is not gonna be okay at all.
Finally, exam is over and holidays are waiting for me. Which also means that i have more free time that leads me to think too much and getting myself into emo -_-
Sometimes, i care more about making others happy than making myself happy. And i thought that i was done with feeling like this but i'm not. I hate myself for being that useless,seriously. But it's okay. Imma get through it very soon :)
#Starting from tonight, I need to forget what's gone and it's time to move on.
Appreciate what still remain and look forward to what's coming next.
And i hope that someday, my sadness will be replaced by something beautiful.
p/s : for you,thanks for being by my side when i need someone, thanks for staying when nobody else did, and basically thanks for everything.